suspense, thriller


《回魂夜》(Out Of The Dark),是一套1995年香港電影,由劉鎮偉執導,周星馳主演。片中,周星馳明顯地仿照《這個殺手不太冷》主角尚連奴的造型。《回魂夜》被視為周星馳處於顛峰時期的破格之作,此片包含黑色幽默,傳統恐怖電影元素,同時亦有周星馳的無厘頭演繹方法。雖然相對周星馳同期其他電影,如《百變星君》、《西遊記第壹佰零壹回之月光寶盒》及《西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣》,此片票房相距甚遠 [...]

comedy, science fiction


即依據中國作家吳承恩所撰寫的神怪小說《西遊記》為基礎,再進行改編的電影作品。(上映日期: 香港1995年1月21日). 五百年前,觀音大士不遠千里持續追捕孫悟空,全因為他打算將唐三藏贈送給予牛魔王食用,並偷取盤絲大仙的「月光寶盒」,希望能藉此寶物躲避追緝。不久,觀音大士打算替天行道就此消滅孫悟空,將他收伏入甘露瓶裏,但唐三藏表示願意一命換一命,請她能放徒弟一條生路,便用法杖自殘身亡.. [...]

comedy, science fiction


西遊記大結局之仙履奇緣》(A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella)即依據中國作家吳承恩所撰寫的神怪小說《西遊記》為基礎,再進行改編的電影作品。 上映日期:香港1995年2月4日. 此時,至尊寶使用「月光寶盒」穿梭數次時空,醒來後見到盤絲洞內空無一人,從洞裏走出來卻已經天亮,無法藉助月光使用寶盒。然而,正當至尊寶思考如何解救白晶晶時,遇到一位不知名的女子打算進入盤絲洞內… [...]

comedy, Action


《少林足球》(英文:Shaolin Soccer)是一部香港電影演員周星馳於2001年自編自導自演的電影。此片乃周星馳自九十年代末港產片低潮下最成功的一部電影,單在香港就取得了6,070萬元的票房紀錄,而周星馳也因之而成為香港電影金像獎最佳男主角。 在2006年世界盃塞爾維亞和黑山國家足球隊與科特迪瓦國家足球隊的比賽前約半個小時,場地的大屏幕中播放了一段少林足球的電影片段。 [...]

comedy, Action


《功夫》為一部武打喜劇片,由香港演員周星馳於2004年合力編寫劇本、導演、飾演角色。片中包含了對武俠文化的敬仰、獨特性與周星馳一貫的無厘頭、誇張的搞笑風格[1] 。故事取景於1940年代中的中國,周星馳飾演一位無所作為、想加入當地最大幫派的小混混。[2] 該片的視覺效果廣泛地受到讚揚;卡通的風格伴隨着傳統中國的音樂則是最大的特點[3][4]。然而電影的特色在時代、甚至演員也是1970年代香港動作電影的演員.. [...]

comedy, Drama


食神》是周星馳主演的電影,於1996年公映。該片為周星馳重要的代表作之一,在港台各地造成很大影響,尤其其中許多經典台詞成為年輕人聊天或搞笑時經常使用的詞語。周星馳在此片中使用其英文名作為主角的名稱。食神是第二部周星馳與吳孟達扮演關係對立角色,第一部是「審死官」。 大廚史提芬周獲得法國廚藝學會所頒發的「食神」榮譽,並身為「唐朝」飲食集團主席,但因看重集團盈利,漸漸忽略了食物本身的味道… [...]

Drama, Drama


中國大陸第四代導演吳天明的《變臉》(The King of Masks, 1996),曾經參加過多項國際影展,也深受全球各地影迷的喜愛。這部片終於在台灣發行DVD了,由昇龍製作永峰唱片發行,值得推薦給大家欣賞。 民國八年,北方軍閥混戰。江湖藝人「變臉王」的兒子於戰亂中一去不回,變臉王孤身一人闖蕩江湖,心中最恐懼的是香火失傳無人繼嗣,這對他來說,比飢餓寒冷更可怕。 當時中南數省水災肆虐,遍地饑民.. [...]

comedy, Drama


晚清時代狀師陳夢吉(周星馳飾)專以作弄人為樂,結下了不少仇家。孤兒阿歡(葛民輝飾)投靠了狀師陳夢吉(周星馳飾)並拜其為師。後因阿歡愛上了水蓮花(邱淑貞飾)與師父爭吵,一怒之下出走香港。香港大亨何西爵士(鍾景輝飾)的兒子何中(林保怡飾)發現阿歡是他同父異母的弟弟「念西」,為獨吞家產而殺害家丁(陳豪飾)陷害阿歡入獄。阿歡求助於師父,陳夢吉憑三寸不爛之舌說的洋法官啞口無言 [...]

comedy, Drama


《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》是香港演員周星馳於1994年參演的喜劇電影,導演為王晶。因1993年台灣華視由金超群主演的包青天連續劇在香港播出時大受歡迎,本片可視為當時的包青天喜劇版,連配樂都跟金超群主演的劇集相同。 電影的香港原名為《九品芝麻官》,台灣則加入「白面包青天」為副標題。「白面」即「白臉」,原因是周星馳扮演北宋名臣包拯的後人包龍星,只是包拯是黑臉的,但包龍星卻是白臉的。[...]

comedy, Drama


《大內密探零零發》是周星驰拍摄於1996年的一部賀歲電影,由他和谷德昭联合导演。周星驰在影片中饰演一位不会武功的皇宫大内密探,平时除了当妇科大夫给人看病外,业余爱好是研究一些不被赏识的小发明。最后,靠着这些发明,他挫败了敌人的阴谋,拯救了整个国家。这部影片除了有嘲讽《007》密探的味道,还把古龙武侠小说中包括陆小凤、西门吹雪、叶孤城、花满楼在内的风云人物諧謔了一番,实属周氏无厘头… [...]

comedy, Drama


《喜劇之王》是李力持和周星馳聯合導演,周星馳所主演的自傳式電影,於1999年2月上映,是當年的賀歲片。 此片乃周星馳從影以來頗受爭議的作品,蓋因片中周星馳雖然以搞笑為主,但內容卻相當藝術化:描述一個實力派演員在明星制度下難有出頭的悲劇。有指這是周星馳早年演藝生涯的影射,因為早年周星馳出道時都只是在電視台連續劇裡擔任「二打六」(龍套),一直要待到出道後十年,才得到電影人賞識,轉戰電影一鳴驚人。 [...]

comedy, Action


《破壞之王》(Love on Delivery)是李力持執導的喜劇片。全劇富有搞笑趣味氣氛,述說窮小子阿銀遭受欺負,但心中充滿懲奸除惡的熱血,決定透過習武來扭轉現狀,徹底擺脫懦夫的陰影。 阿銀經過黑熊的欺負與阿麗的打擊,失意之下走向雜貨店買啤酒,被鬼王達說中阿銀的心事,向鬼王達坦誠第一次失戀,鬼王達藉機向他推薦「中國古拳法」,原本不相信的阿銀,見到一掌就打散了桌子,如此功力使阿銀堅信不疑這套拳法.. [...]

comedy, Action


新精武門1991是1991年由周星馳,鍾鎮濤,張敏以及元奎等人所拍的電影;元奎和劉鎮偉監製,左頌昇導演。 劉晶右拳天生神力,從廣東來到香港後遺失了同鄉阿強的聯絡地址,卻偶上了江湖小混混瀟灑。晶意外救了霍家拳館館主霍環,更被收為徒;惜一晚撞破大師兄鄭威欲迷姦霍環女兒阿敏的好事,晶瀟二人反被誣蔑為採花賊。被逐出師門的晶重遇強,拜了強的老大為師,成立「新精武門」參加世界拳王大賽,與大師兄在擂台一決雌雄。 [...]


my views on a recent discussion panel at the ABC QANDA (questions and answers)

the first question raised referred to Kevin Rudd’s statement at the catholic churches youth day in Sydney, in which he said:

“Religion and Logic are not incompatible”

I was delighted by the response from David Marr, he said:

“ Religion and Logic are completely in-compatible; Religion is filled with logicalities that are impossible to square with any natural belief; I mean the catholic church has imported a dead body to be venerated in churches in Sydney ? ---- what could be logical about that????”

furthermore I liked his response to a statement made by a religious member of the discussion panel Angela Shanahan about sexuality and the church;

David Marr :

“ the churches refusal to understand the scientific basis of human sexuality causes immense distress and harm all around the world;-------- what would you say to a woman struggling to bring up her nine children in abject poverty, just because your god did not allow her to use a condom while she was repeatedly raped over the years?----- you people have no idea how unspeakably nasty and cruel you are towards your god’s creatures----- your lot tells people to be celibate and that they go to hell if they have sex, this is nothing but pure bigotry, cruelty and hatred ”

on the subject of **********ity and the suggestion by Angelica Shanahan that god loves all the people in the same way; David Marr replied that if that would be the case, he would let them also go into the church and take clergy positions; but such is your bigotry, you claim to love them and at the same time throw them out of the church;

further David Marr added: “the struggle between the church and science has always been won by science and will always be won by science, only logic will take us forward”

I agree with him entirely it took the church 300 years to accept that Galileo was right; whom they nearly burnt at the stake for his scientific work because it clashed with the totally illogical and stupid teaching of their perverse religion;

it seems inconceivable that even now, in the twenty-first century these criminals prevent some of our children to learn all about Darwin’s theory of evolution, in a vain attempt to prevent them to develop a logical mind; ---- there should be a law against such criminal stupidity


當有人反駁我這幾篇反宗教的文章的時候! 我倒很高興, 我希望他們能提出証據指出人類是上帝所製造的, 又或有上帝的存在, 又或聖經不是人寫的......等等!

在17/7/2008 晚上, 我看了ABC 的 A&Q 電視節目討論了, 因為最近的在悉尼的大型"World Youth Day", 教宗來到出巡,  神父孌童/強姦案的事件等等, 在城中熱爆了的話題! 


最吸引我的是 Mr. David Marr (An author, journalist and broadcaster) 和 Angela Shanahan (speciality is social and family affairs & She is a Catholic) 的言論了.   這些, 我要有時間才能節錄了, 但大家有興趣, 可以去以下看看:


With the pope in town and a record-breaking number of people attending masses around Sydney, punters will not be surprised that religion took centre stage in last night’s debate. The panellists (討論小組人員) faced a number of tricky questions about the role of faith in our society. Issues raised included the relationship between religion and science, paedophilia(孌童) and the church, the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity (同性戀)and the place of religion in politics (if there is one). Punters had a range of views on the discussion. Some believed that certain panellists had conflated religion with compassion. Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy. Many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics, and wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer. With ex-Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, on the panel there was also some discussion of foreign policy decisions made during the Howard era and much interest in Downer’s plans post-politics.


Q.  the relationship between religion and science.  宗教與科學的關係.

A.  宗教是一些神話, 一些由人創作出來的人物小說.  以宣傳信念來規限人類道德行為思想.

     科學是要有事實証據, 是要有跡可尋, 是要實驗辨証, 是要講求邏輯推論, 不可天馬行空.

Q. the Catholic Church’s stance on **********ity & many were divided over the church’s refusal to accept gay Catholics  為何同性戀者不可參加彌撒不可為教徒, 被教會拒諸門外呢?

A. 如果是由上帝創造了人類, 即同性戀者都是他的傑作吧????  為什麼會被教會拒諸門外?

     難道你可以說同性戀者是上帝製造出來懲罰現世紀人類的性愛氾濫嗎(我真聽過有人這樣說的!)?  如果真如此, 那豈不更攪笑??? 這樣的上帝恐怕是魔吧!!!! 

     (這點討論, 在討論會上更是精.....)

Q. the place of religion in politics (if there is one) & wondered why secular governments begin parliament with the Lord’s Prayer 澳洲聲稱自己是,非宗教政府, 為何在議會前必須祈禱?

A. 宗教入侵政治, 那不單只是澳洲, 在美國是最鮮明不過了.  我亦不久前聽了電台廣播, 講及了這在美的事實.

Q. paedophilia and the church & Others wanted to see greater transparency when it came to the church’s internal investigation processes in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse by the clergy.  對於教會內部調查, 發生在神職人員上的孌童 / 強姦 案, 要求透明度!

A. 在這些神職人員標榜著他們的聖潔操守時, 我們將深愛的孩童交付到他們身上!  那些受害人, 被教會隱瞞事情的真相而做成的長期折磨!!!



Norah Jones
